
Friday, October 19, 2018


~Post Includes:  Series Spotlight,
Author Bio, Special Guest Post by the Author--
'Seven Things You Might Not Know About 
'The Seven Trilogy' & Giveaway~
The Seven Trilogy

We are celebrating these gorgeous new covers for the Seven trilogy by Sara Davison, with a blog blitz and giveaway hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

The End Begins - final cover Title: The End Begins (Seven Trilogy #1)
Sara Davison
Ashberry Lane/WhiteFire Publishing
Romantic Suspense

One of them is a prisoner and one of them is free. The same one.

Bookstore owner Meryn O’Reilly and Army Captain Jesse Christensen are on opposite sides of a battle. When martial law is declared, Jesse and his platoon are sent to Meryn’s city to keep an eye on the Christians and make sure they are not stepping outside of the confines of the law.

Fiery and quick-tempered, Meryn chafes under the curfew and other restrictions to her freedom. Jesse is equally amused, intrigued, and terrified by her spirit, knowing she could find herself in prison if she shows defiance to the wrong soldier.

His worst fears are realized when she commits a crime he cannot protect her from. Now they both face an uncertain future, and the very real threat of losing everything, including their lives. With time running out, Jesse works feverishly to convince the authorities to show leniency to Meryn. And to convince her that love can overcome any barrier that lies between them.  

PURCHASE: Goodreads | Amazon

The Darkness Deepens 1 (1) Title: The Darkness Deepens (Seven Trilogy #2)  
Author: Sara Davison
Publisher: Ashberry Lane/WhiteFire Publishing
Genre: Romantic Suspense

(formerly The Dragon Roars)

Their Secrets Protect Them … But Secrets are Hard to Keep

No one in the army can find out that Captain Jesse Christensen has become a believer. He and bookstore owner Meryn O’Reilly are forced to meet in secret, facing imprisonment or worse if they are found together. Their relationship deepens, but so does Lieutenant Gallagher’s hatred for the Christians in their city. As Gallagher’s power grows, it becomes clear that his connections go much further up the chain of command than anyone realized, putting all believers, especially Jesse, in extreme danger.

Meryn wants to give her heart to Jesse fully, but her past holds her back. Although circumstances conspire to keep her silent, she needs to tell him her secret. When he finds out what she has been keeping from him, nothing will stand between them anymore. Or nothing will ever be the same.  

PURCHASE: Goodreads | Amazon

The Morning Star Rises flaming books LA Title: The Morning Star Rises (Seven Trilogy #3)  
Author: Sara Davison  
Publisher: Ashberry Lane/WhiteFire Publishing  
Genre: Romantic Suspense

In the Midst of all the Fear and Confusion, Only One Thing is Clear … This Isn’t Over Yet

Jesse Christensen is out of the army, but the real battle has just begun. Major Gallagher has taken over the city and his oppression of believers has intensified. But is Gallagher acting in a professional capacity, or is he carrying out a personal vendetta?

Meryn O’Reilly faces a dark and uncertain future after shocking revelations devastate her life. She is determined to follow God’s call, but her plans could cost her everything. She and Jesse struggle to surrender fully to a God who is always in control, even when circumstances suggest otherwise.

With the world descending into chaos around them, Meryn and Jesse face the greatest barrier to their love yet—a barrier that may prove too strong to breach.

Seven Things You Might not Know about The Seven Trilogy

1.) Are there seven books in this series? It may not be the most important fact about the series, but it is the question I am most frequently asked, so let me clarify right off the top that no, there are not seven books in the series, only three. The series title actually refers to the seven letters Jesus wrote to the churches in Revelation. While the recipients of these letters were seven actual churches at the time, most scholars agree that they also represent the church in the last days, the setting for this series.

2.) Is this an end times book? (said in the same suspicious tone of voice and with the same tilted head as the boy uses when he asks his grandfather, who is reading The Princess Bride to him, “Is this a kissing book?”) And the answer is sort of, but not the way you think. I grew up in a time when apocalyptic, end times books and movies were extremely popular. They were also, for the most part, very dark, violent, and terrifying. These books are not that. The end times, which we have likely been in for a while now, simply refers to an era during which the final stages of God’s plan to restore humanity to perfect relationship with him and set all things right—the story of the Bible from beginning to end—is unfolding right before our eyes. A time when God is firmly in control of all that is happening around us, no matter how crazy or chaotic it feels the world has become. The book of Revelation is a story of hope and the faithfulness and sovereignty of God, and so, I pray, is The Seven Trilogy.

3.) Are the events that happen in the book prophetic? I have never claimed to have the gift of prophecy, so no, not in the strictest sense of the word, at least not that I am aware of. However, I will say that when I first started outlining the book about six or seven years ago, even I thought some of what I was including was pretty far-fetched, but by the time the first book came out in 2015, a lot of readers told me that those same events felt as though they’d been ripped from current headlines in the news.

4.) So, is this a kissing book? Yeah, it kind of is. Like the Bible, The Seven Trilogy is a love story at its core. At the beginning of book one, The End Begins, the military is sent in to keep an eye on the Christians, with strict orders to not become involved with them in any way. Which is a big problem for Captain Jesse Christensen, since he is drawn to the feisty Meryn O’Reilly, a believer, the moment he meets her. Their differences in beliefs, as well as the secrets from their past they are both determined to keep, are huge barriers between them, barriers that may prove impossible to breach.

5.) If the story is set slightly in the future, does it have a sci-fi feel to it? Not at all. I rarely read sci-fi, so I wouldn’t deign to write a book in that genre. The Seven Trilogy books read like contemporary romantic suspense novels, with lots of humour, strong friend and family relationships, bad guys, good guys, action scenes, and adventure tossed in for good measure.

6.) Are the current covers the originals? No, they’re not. In fact, book two, The Darkness Deepens, is on its third cover, and its second title. The book was originally called The Dragon Roars, a reference to the dragon in Revelation, but it was often mistaken for a fantasy novel, which it definitely is not, so we changed the title to the current one and re-did the cover, which initially had a dragon on it. Ashberry Lane first published the trilogy, then, when AL became an imprint of WhiteFire Publishing, Roseanna White designed the fabulous new covers for the series.

7.) Of all the things that happen to the Christians in the series, which is the most likely to happen in real life? Given the current political and social climate in both Canada (where the story takes place) and America, I think it is entirely likely that the Bible will be deemed hate literature at some point in the not-too-distant future. It’s possible it could even be outlawed. The best feedback I have gotten on these books has come from readers who said that the series encouraged them to study the Bible more than ever, and to memorize Scripture. God’s Word, when hidden in our hearts, can never be taken away from us.

PURCHASE: Goodreads | Amazon


Sara Davison - headshot 1

Sara Davison is the author of the romantic suspense novels The Watcher and The Seven Trilogy. She has been a finalist for eight national writing awards, including the Word Award for Best New Canadian Christian author, a Carol, and two Daphne du Maurier Awards, and is a Word and Cascade Award winner. Sara has a degree in English Literature and currently resides in Ontario, Canada with her husband Michael and their three children, all of whom she (literally) looks up to.  

CONNECT WITH SARA: website | Facebook | Twitter

the seven trilogy blitz giveaway

(1) winner will receive:
  • a set of all 3 books in The Seven Trilogy (US/CAN only)
  • $10 Amazon gift card
Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight October 20, 2018 and lasts through 11:59pm October 27, 2018. Void where prohibited by law. Winners will be notified within a week of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustReadTours for a full list of stops!


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I am celebrating the five-year anniversary of the release of my first book, 'A Holiday Miracle in Apple Blossom'. This is an inspirational holiday novella including a dash of romance and was the winner of the 2013 'Holiday Tale Contest' for Cedar Fort Publishing.

To learn more about my first book and to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance to win an ebook copy, please visit my post at:
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  1. Replies
    1. Aw, thanks, Carrie! You're welcome for the post. :0}

  2. June, Thank you for sharing Sara Davison's trilogy. It sounds amazing!

    1. You are so welcome, Caryl. I'm glad you enjoyed the blitz for the trilogy, and I hope you get to read the set soon. Best, June
