
Thursday, November 8, 2018


~Post Includes:  Book Spotlight,
Author Bio, Excerpt & Giveaway~

Welcome to the Blog Tour & Giveaway for Enchanting Nicholette by Dawn Crandall, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours.


EnchantingNicholette Title: Enchanting Nicholette  
Series: The Everstone Chronicles #5  
Author: Dawn Crandall  
Publisher: Whitaker House  
Release Date: October 9, 2018  
Genre: Historical Romance

In this captivating novella by Dawn Crandall, Nicholette Everstone is already a widow at the age of twenty-two: her husband was murdered on their wedding day. She has just returned to Boston after two years of mourning in Europe. Although her husband was loving, the marriage was an arranged one, and Nicholette would like to wed again–this time for love…and to someone safe.

As she acclimates to life in Back Bay again, Nicholette meets someone she can’t help but fall for. But when she learns of the danger and sacrifices Cal Hawthorne takes on for the safety of others, will her heart be strong enough to keep her fears of “what if” at bay?

LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository | BAM! | Christian Book


Sylvie squeezed my arm. "Don’t be shy about wanting to marry again—that is lesson one. No one will blame you, believe me."

I didn’t outwardly respond right away to Sylvie’s first lesson as we walked down the sidewalk toward Brittle Brattle Books, but her words had a profound impact on my heart. Not that I was intent on finding a new husband that day, but I’d always been wary of showing an interest in men for fear that they would pursue me. Because I hadn’t wanted them to. But now…how was I supposed to switch that part of my thinking around?

"I will try my best, Sylvie."

God, I have no idea what I’m doing. Please help.

As Sylvie opened the door deeply set in the windowed front, the bells hanging off the inside door handle clanged loudly, announcing our arrival. Before going in, I noticed a display of books inside the front window to our right. A copy of my sister-in-law’s book, The Little Fox—the only one published so far—was situated with a number of other little books that also looked like they were written for children.

"Oh, I do hope they have more than one!" Sylvie gripped my arm tighter, and then pulled me through the open door.

"I’m sure they wouldn’t put their only copy in the window display, Sylvie," I said as she guided me toward the cashier’s counter, where a tall, slender gentleman stood sorting through a pile of books.

When we drew near to him, he took a moment to look up, and then asked, "May I be of service, ladies?"

"We are looking for a copy—actually quite a few copies—of a book you have in your front window. The one called The Little Fox by Violet Hawthorne."

"We have a number of copies of that one. Written by one of our own, you know. The author lives right here in Boston. Married to one of those Everstone gents now, but I believe she was from Maine originally."

"Yes, we know," I stated. "Will you please point us in the direction of the books?"

"Should be right there near the far corner." He motioned toward the back of the large double-leveled room in which we were standing.

Shocked that he hadn’t felt the need to actually find the books for us, I stood there for a moment longer, then turned to Sylvie. "I suppose they shouldn’t be too difficult to find."

She was already on her way to the other end of the large room when the bells at the front door rang again, announcing another customer.


Dawn Crandall

Dawn Crandall's debut Gilded Age Victorian romance, 'The Hesitant Heiress,' was a 2015 ACFW Carol award finalist in the debut category and received the 2015 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, the 2015 Write Touch Reader’s Choice Award and the 2015 Romancing the Novel Reader’s Choice Award. Her follow-up novel, 'The Bound Heart,' received the 2016 Laurel Award from Clash of the Titles. Dawn earned a BA in Christian Education from Taylor University. She’s been balancing books and babies lately as her two sons were both born as the four books of her Everstone Chronicles series were being released from Whitaker House from 2014 to 2016. Dawn lives with her husband and two young sons on a hobby farm in her hometown in northeast Indiana.

 CONNECT WITH DAWN CRANDALL: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

enchanting nicholette blog giveaway

(1) Winner will win:
  • A print copy of Enchanting Nicholette
  • A library card zipper bag
  • Two pairs of Jane Austen socks
  • Two hand poured candles
  • A historically accurate soap from Austen’s time
  • A Jane Austen set of playing cards
  • A set of Jane Austen notecards
  • 6 magnets with Jane Austen quotes
(US Mailing Addresses Only)  

Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight October 29, 2018 and lasts through 11:59pm November 12, 2018. Void where prohibited by law. US addresses only. Winners will be notified within a week of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead for a full list of stops!

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  1. It sounds like Sylvie has some good advice. Perhaps a most respectable suitor will be found in that bookshop!

    1. Thanks for stopping by for this blog tour stop, John! Sylvie and Nicholette both sound like intriguing young women.

  2. I love this cover. So feminine. This book is on my TBR list as well as the serires. Thank you for posting today.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Hello, Lori ~ I agree with you about this cover! It is one of my favorites of the 2018 historical novels I've seen. You're welcome for the post, and thank you for stopping by my blog to share your positive thoughts with us.

  3. This book sounds like a fantastic read.

    1. Thanks for stopping by to share your positivity about this book, Debbie!

  4. Replies
    1. Rochelle ~ I appreciate your visiting 'Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic' to read this post about 'Enchanting Nicholette'.

  5. Thank you for being part of the blog tour for "Enchanting Nicholette" by Dawn Crandall. Enjoyed reading the excerpt which just made we want to read this book on my TBR list all the more. Can't wait for the opportunity to do so.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Hello, Kay ~ It's great to hear from you again. Hope you get to read this book soon. Don't you just love the cover art?
