
Thursday, January 3, 2019


~Post Includes:  Book Spotlight,
Author Bio, Unique Guest Post
by the Author & Giveaway~
A Cowboy in Shepherd's Crossing blog blitz

Welcome to the blog blitz & giveaway for A Cowboy in Shepherd's Crossing by Ruth Logan Herne, hosted by JustRead Tours.


a cowboy in shepherd's crossing hires Title: A Cowboy in Shepherd's Crossing  
Series: Shepherd's Crossing #2  
Author: Ruth Logan Herne  
Publisher: Love Inspired
Release Date: January 1, 2019  
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cowboy bachelor Jace Middleton was ready to leave Shepherd’s Crossing for good – until he learns his family’s unspoken secrets.

Now Jace finds himself not only caring for his twin baby nieces, but working with beautiful, strong-willed designer Melonie Fitzgerald to renovate his grandmother’s run-down estate.

Love wasn’t part of the plan… but Jace soon finds himself wishing Melonie could become part of his unexpected family.  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | CBD



Best-selling, multi-published, award-winning author Ruth Logan Herne is the author of nearly fifty novels and novellas through traditional publishers and her own independent works. She loves God, her family, country, coffee, chocolate and dogs, and wishes possums would leave the cat food on the side porch alone. And yet… they don’t. With over a million books in print, Ruthy is living her dream of touching hearts and souls by writing the kind of books she likes to read. She lives on a pumpkin farm in Western New York where they grow all kinds of cool things for fall from sumptuous squashes and veggies to gorgeous stacking pumpkins. Ruthy’s farm is quickly becoming the place to be every September and October!  

CONNECT WITH RUTHY: website | Facebook | Twitter


--What’s Going On Behind the Scenes in Ruth Logan Herne’s “Shepherd’s Crossing” series?

WHAT A GREAT TOPIC because no book is ever as it seems on the shelf when it’s in book infancy…

But I’m going to spare you the bare bones initial writing because there is so much more going on in a small town hit by economic meltdown.

First, you need some heroes and heroines finding some sigh-worthy cowboys isn’t all that difficult in a land studded with Western men sporting cowboy hats. But that’s the window dressing, isn’t it? That’s not the heart of the story, the heart is what makes the characters and the setting hold your interest from beginning to end.

Heath Caufield doesn’t want his friend Jace to leave town, but he mostly wants what’s best for his friend, and if there’s no construction work for Jace, Heath can’t (in good conscience) hold him there… even though he wants to.

Government policies shape so much of background in stories, but we can’t give them too much page time because this is a romance, after all... BUT the re-introduction of wolves and bighorn sheep to the Idaho mountains has changed shepherding (sheep not going into the hills to graze, which means undergrowth thickens and could spread forest fires more quickly like we’ve seen in other hands-off regions)and ranching, and our heroes have to change the way they do things and we all know how much men love to change their ways!

Does Corrie Satterly have eyes for Bob Cook AKA: “Cookie”, the Pine Ridge Ranch kitchen manager?????

Bringing fears to life— Like Melonie’s aversion to horses— has to balance with the hero or heroine’s strength and courage. No one wants to read about a complete grown up scaredy-pants, right?

I love FIXER UPPER with Chip and Joanna, so having Melonie dream of doing her own cable show someday was a perfect nod to the only house-fixer-real-estate show I watched… because I know it can be so that well! Total Author Intrusion on that one!

Ava and Annie are adorable… and I love it when kids steal the show or in this case “the scene”… And if you add Zeke Caufield to the mix, that heart-grabbing five-year-old is such a cool kid and it’s possible that he’s modeled after a certain little person I know personally… The Mighty Finn, perhaps?

Hot Idaho summers really changed the tune for this series because I HAD NO CLUE that it got that hot there… but it does and my thoughts of snow scenes MELTED when I began the series in May and went on through the summer with the sisters. Fortunately, Love Inspired contracted a Christmas novella set in Shepherd’s Crossing (It’s in “A Cowboy Christmas” with my buddy Linda Goodnight) so I get to give reclusive horse lover Ty Carrington his holiday romance and a chance to regain the life he lost years ago! #BONUS!!!!

And then they contracted a free online read for readers, so handsome cowboy lawyer Mack Grayson got his story, and you might just need some tissues. It’s available here, they’ve been doing a chapter a day, like the old-fashioned magazine serials! The Cowboy’s Christmas Surprise

The fun of a diverse cast is a natural for me. We have multiple biracial and mixed ethnic families on both sides. It makes me crazy when people make color a cultural divide because I have no such issue with my farm eggs. Some are brown, some are beige, some are pinky-beige, white, blue and green and tan… and they’re all eggs. I love the blending of cultures while respecting cultures. I can’t imagine God wanted anything less from us, but then He’s God and he’s so stinkin’ smart!!!

It was a real trick to show the town mending when I was actually having all the cowboys on ranches… and the town was a place no one much visited because the businesses had all closed down… but when the church closed, and the pastor left, that was the kick in the head folks needed. They realized if they didn’t do something now—the town would die. And no one wanted the heritage of the original hometown to become a Western ghost town. And so it began, with a church locking the doors... but the people taking charge of the key, doing their own services, giving their own sermons, gathering together to bring a small, struggling town back to life.

And they did it!

shepherd's crossing giveaway


(1) winner will receive (US only):
  • all three Shepherd's Crossing books (Her Cowboy Reunion, A Cowboy Christmas, A Cowboy in Shepherd's Crossing)
  • bookmarks
  • a Seekerville notepad
  • a bag of chocolate
Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight January 4, 2019 and last through 11:59pm January 11, 2019. US only. Winners will be notified within a week of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!



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  1. Thank you for being part of blog blitz by JustRead Tours for "A Cowboy in Shepherd's Crossing" by Ruth Logan Herne. Enjoyed reading the guest post. It just made we want to read this book, this series, all the more. Can't wait for the opportunity to do so.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Happy New Year, Kay ~ I'm happy you enjoyed Ruth's Guest Post. She shared so much great information with us. Thanks for stopping by to share your positivity with us.

  2. Sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance.

    Tighefan42atgmail dotcom

    1. Welcome, Tammy ~ I've read some of Ruth's novels, and they are good reads. Good luck in the giveaway, and thanks for visiting my blog. Happy 2019!
