
Wednesday, February 27, 2019


~Post Includes:  Book Spotlight, Excerpt,
Author Bio & Giveaway~
a most inconvenient love blitz

Welcome to the Blog Blitz & Giveaway for A Most Inconvenient Love by Ruth Logan Herne, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

A Most Inconvenient Love - Front Cover Title: A Most Inconvenient Love  
Series: Prairie Brides #1  
Author: Ruth Logan Herne  
Genre: Historical/Western Romance  
Release Date: February 26, 2019

Sober businessman Seb Ward may have come from a wealthy lumber-baron family in Minnesota, but he knows that appearances can be deceiving, and that his illustrious family is pretty dysfunctional. Being in another state has provided the buffer he sought from his father’s misdeeds, but when a little boy shows up on a train… a little boy who looks enough like Seb to be his own child… Seb’s faced with a dilemma. Raise the boy as his own, or let his mother suffer the embarrassment of “a brother by another mother.” And when the boy takes a shine to the Rachel Eichas, the newly contracted school teacher, Seb can’t help but do the same.

But Rachel was raised by an unloving, business-first father and there’s no way she’s looking for those same qualities in a husband. Can she see through Seb’s focus and drive to find the loving man within?  


He turned to let the door swing shut softly.

Rachel was watching the boy with a look so tender and sweet that Seb’s heart stirred once more. His mother had looked at him like that, long ago. Funny, what a man remembered and what he chose to forget.

Rachel lifted her gaze again. When she met his, time paused. She didn’t drop her eyes the way proper young women did back in the city, and he’d met his share before coming west to set up shop. She studied him as if reading his features meant something.

It didn’t because no matter what she surmised, Seb Ward let few people see the tired soul within the ambitious businessman’s body. That’s the way it had always been. That’s the way it would stay.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon


Best-selling, multi-published, award-winning author Ruth Logan Herne is the author of nearly fifty novels and novellas through traditional publishers and her own independent works. She loves God, her family, country, coffee, chocolate and dogs, and wishes possums would leave the cat food on the side porch alone. And yet… they don’t. With over a million books in print, Ruthy is living her dream of touching hearts and souls by writing the kind of books she likes to read.

She lives on a pumpkin farm in Western New York where they grow all kinds of cool things for fall from sumptuous squashes and veggies to gorgeous stacking pumpkins. Ruthy’s farm is quickly becoming the place to be every September and October!  

CONNECT WITH RUTHY: website | Facebook | Twitter

a most inconvenient love giveaway


(1) winner will win
  • (1) copy of A Most Inconvenient Love
plus choice of
  • a treasure box of FUN (or)
  • $25 Amazon gift card
Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight February 28, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm March 7, 2019. Open internationally except where prohibited by law. Shipping is for US residents only though; international winner will receive digital copy of the book + egift card. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!


  1. Thanks for sharing about the new book and great giveaway!

  2. I love seeing the excerpts at each blog stop! It helps me get to know the characters.

  3. Thanks for the excerpt. It was a great choice!
