~Post Includes Interview with Author Kari Trumbo,
~Post Includes Interview with Author Kari Trumbo,
Book Blurb & Giveaway~

Welcome to the blog tour and giveaway for Bounty Beyond Reason by Kari Trumbo, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!
JUNE: Welcome to 'Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic', Kari. It's a pleasure to chat with an historical romance author since it's been one of my favorite genres to read for many years. Please tell us a little bit about your background as a writer. When did you begin writing fiction? Did you enjoy creative writing in school?
KARI: Thank you for having me! I've been writing for about 5 years now, published for 3. Prior to writing, I helped many of my friends with beta reading and developmental editing. The story bug was strong with me, though, and editing wasn't enough. I had to write my own.
I did enjoy creative writing in school, but even then I bucked the system. If we were supposed to hand in our “outline” for our story ahead of time, I couldn't do it. I wouldn't have an outline until the story was finished because that's just the way my brain works.
JUNE: I operate the same way when I'm writing a book.
JUNE: I noticed your new release, 'Bounty Beyond Reason', is Book 7 of 8 {so far} in a series called 'Brides of Blessings'. You also wrote Book 2. The other books in the series are written by five different authors. This sounds like a fun project! How did you all get together to work on this series? Are the books stand-alones or do the stories share a common setting and/or characters? Does the group have plans to continue writing books for this series?
KARI: The Brides of Blessings series has been a fun project. My friend, Lynn, created this town and the whole idea centers around the idea that men may have won the west, but the women tamed it. Every heroine in the series is formidable, because they had to be in gold rush California. Now, I must say that all of the books in the series are sweet, but only mine and Heather Blanton's are Christian.
I will have at least one more story in this series and it will release in October. All the stories are set in the same little town of Blessings, so we made a map, a character guide, we know each story line and when different people and stores will be introduced. It's all quite fun.
JUNE: Sounds like a lot of fun! I like the idea of having a map and character guide to keep everyone on the same page {please pardon the pun!}.
JUNE: Have you always been interested in history? Please tell us some of the activities you engage in when researching for a setting for one of your projects. Field trips to historical sites and museums? Archival research? Oral interviews with historians?
KARI: I have always loved history. My father used to tease me that I'd better find something else besides history to be good at, because the only thing I could do with a degree in history was to be a lawyer, and he'd disown me if I did. It was all very tongue in cheek, and he's proud of his history-buff daughter.
One of my most favorite museums to visit was the Adams Museum in Deadwood, SD. It is just a treasure! I had already planned on writing the Seven Brides of South Dakota series before visiting the Adams, but the history just came to life for me so much that I literally got home and started writing.
Along the same lines, some of the cities I wrote about in that series, I didn't have a chance to actually visit, so I called local libraries to get information. They have all been so very helpful.
JUNE: The Adams Museum sounds like a place I'd like to visit, too.
JUNE: Your website says you homeschool your four children. Are any of your students following in your footsteps when it comes to writing fiction?
KARI: Both of my girls are artistic. Both have tried writing stories and, while they enjoy it, it isn't for them at this time. My oldest sings all the time (that's my fault, I used to do the very same thing) and my younger daughter draws. That isn't surprising either, considering both of her uncles are artists.
My boys tell a lot of stories, but they don't write them down yet and mostly, those are just for fun. Fishing Tales of the Pokemon kind.
JUNE: If you were not writing historical romance, what other fictional genre might you try? Would you ever consider writing non-fiction? If so, what subject(s) would you like to write about?
KARI: I have written a few contemporary Christian romances. I enjoyed writing them but my muse is 150 years old and just doesn't understand that a man 2018 would have a pickup. It is nice to have a little less research to do, but honestly, I'm most at home in 1880-1905.
JUNE: I love the same time period and up through the 1940s, so I can understand how you feel about being at home in the past.
JUNE: Thank you so much for sharing with my readers today, Kari. I truly appreciate your taking a moment out of your busy schedule to visit with us. Wishing you continued success in your writing endeavors!
KARI: Thank you so much and thank you for having me.

Author: Kari Trumbo
Series: Brides of Blessings #7
Release Date: May 9, 2018
Genre: Inspirational Historical Romance
For the last four years, she's wanted to watch him hang.
Hannah Gale has to avenge her husband's death and the loss of her future and watching Emitt Hayes swing will do just that. When she's able to catch him, she can bring him back and claim the bounty, redeeming some of the wealth Emitt stole.
Emitt stole a horse to redeem a debt.
It started a landslide of events that changed many lives, and a has eaten at him ever since. He's taken on the name Cort Nelson to hide. When his past catches up with him, Hannah is more fire than he's expecting. His quiet, hidden life will never be the same.
A hidden danger appears that could cost them both their lives, can Cort admit to what he's done and be the man Hannah needs and can Hannah release her grudge to grab hold of a future worth having?
Purchase Links: Goodreads | Amazon

Kari Trumbo is a best-selling author of Christian and sweet romance.
She writes swooney heroes and places that become characters, with historical detail and heart. She's a stay-at-home mom to four vibrant children. When she isn't writing, or editing, she home schools her children and pretends to keep up with them.
Kari loves reading, listening to contemporary Christian music, singing when no one’s listening, and curling up near the wood stove when winter hits. She makes her home in central Minnesota, land of frigid toes and mosquitoes the size of compact cars, with her husband of almost twenty-one years. They have two daughters, two sons, two cats, and one hungry wood stove.
--CONNECT WITH KARI: Website | Facebook | Twitter

Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight May 28, 2018 and lasts through 11:59pm June 4, 2018. Winner will be notified within a week of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

For the full tour schedule and more giveaway entries, head to JustRead's Launch Page HERE
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-- Saturday, June 2nd: Blitz for 'Linen God'. Blitz includes book spotlight, excerpt, and giveaway. Blitz hosted by JustRead Publicity.
-- Monday, June 4th: Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday S.T.E.A.M. Education Feature on 'MAKE: Paper Inventions--Machines That Move, Drawings that Light Up, Wearables and Structures You Can Cut, Fold, and Roll' by Author Kathy Ceceri.
-- Tuesday, June 5th: Book Blast for 'Destined for Love Resorts'. Blast includes book spotlight, excerpt, and giveaway. Blast hosted by I Am A Reader.
-- Wednesday, June 6th: Non-Fiction Book Blast for 'Bounce Back'. Blast includes a book spotlight and excerpt. Blast hosted by Write Now Literary.
-- Saturday, June 2nd: Blitz for 'Linen God'. Blitz includes book spotlight, excerpt, and giveaway. Blitz hosted by JustRead Publicity.
-- Monday, June 4th: Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday S.T.E.A.M. Education Feature on 'MAKE: Paper Inventions--Machines That Move, Drawings that Light Up, Wearables and Structures You Can Cut, Fold, and Roll' by Author Kathy Ceceri.
-- Tuesday, June 5th: Book Blast for 'Destined for Love Resorts'. Blast includes book spotlight, excerpt, and giveaway. Blast hosted by I Am A Reader.
-- Wednesday, June 6th: Non-Fiction Book Blast for 'Bounce Back'. Blast includes a book spotlight and excerpt. Blast hosted by Write Now Literary.
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