Thursday, February 28, 2019


~Post Includes:  Book Spotlight, Excerpt,
Author Bio, Unique Author Interview & Giveaway~

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Never Let Go, the first book in the Uncommon Justice series by Elizabeth Goddard with JustRead Publicity Tours!

9780800729844Title: Never Let Go 
Series: Uncommon Justice #1  
Author: Elizabeth Goddard 
Publisher: Revell 
Genre: Romantic Suspense  
Release Date: February 5, 2019
The case may be cold, but things are about to heat up.

Forensic genealogist Willow Anderson is following in her late grandfather's footsteps in her quest for answers about a baby abducted from a hospital more than twenty years ago. When someone makes an attempt on Willow's life to keep her from discovering the truth, help will come from an unexpected source.

Ex-FBI agent--and Willow's ex-flame--Austin McKade readily offers to protect the woman he never should have let get away. Together they'll follow where the clues lead them, even if it means Austin must face the past he's spent much of his life trying to forget--and put Willow's tender heart at risk.

June:  Welcome to 'Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic', Elizabeth. I'm thrilled to have you as my special guest for this blog tour stop. Congratulations on the recent release of 'Never Let Go' by Revell on February 5th, 2019! 

June:  Please tell us how you created your setting and developed the characters for 'Never Let Go'. Are any of the characters or their personality traits or physical descriptions based on people you've come across in your own life?  If yes, what prompted you to include them in the story?

Elizabeth:  Setting is usually what inspires me. I love the Jackson Hole region—Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks are among my favorite places. That said, I had to write a story with this unique and amazing setting as the backdrop. I guess you could say that setting is almost a character in my stories as well! Once I have the setting and start writing the story then the characters come alive and that’s how I develop them. Or rather, they come alive and develop themselves, if you will. 

I don’t deliberately model characters or their personalities after people I’ve come across in my life, but I think it’s only natural that life experiences and people I’ve met will show up in some way. Take Willow’s grandfather, for instance. I didn’t model him after either of my grandfathers, but I did take the warmth and love I received from them, the connection and bond Willow has with him (even after he’s gone), from my own personal experience with my grandfathers. The wisdom and guidance they gave stays with me. In Never Let Go, her grandfather’s words stay with Willow.

June:  Who is your favorite character in this story? Why is this person your favorite? Without spoiling the story, is there anyone in the story who you do not like? Why not?

Ellizabeth:  Well I think I gave this one away in that first question. I love Willow because I relate to how she feels about her grandfather. As for who I don’t like—the villain. But I’m not giving that away.

June:  Your website bio says you have written forty romance novels and counting! Your genres include romance, romantic mystery, and romantic suspense. If you were not writing in those genres, what other fictional genres might you try? Would you ever consider writing non-fiction? If so, what subject(s) would you like to write about? Does writing children's literature (picture books, middle grade, or young adult) interest you?
Elizabeth:  Before I landed in romantic suspense I tried my hand at historical romantic suspense. I love historical novels and would love to write those. I enjoy WWII novels! Also, I spent a couple of  years writing and pitching fantasy novels. So I would consider writing in those genres and possibly YA, in addition to non-fiction. I think that’s probably the same with all writers. We love the written word and there are many kinds of stories inside of us.

June:  When you write a book, do you outline the entire story, or do you have a different way of organizing your plot, characters, etc.? Do you always know the ending of your story before you begin putting things down on paper, or into your computer?  Do you have any particular organizational tips that you'd like to pass along to other authors and aspiring authors?

Elizabeth:  Great question. When I first started, I was writing for Heartsong Presents and they required a chapter synopsis, so I definitely had to know what would happen in each chapter. For Love Inspired Suspense I also need to write a synopsis so they can approve the story. So forever I considered myself an outliner or plotter. 

However, the last several novels (the longer novels for Revell) I’ve been moving across the spectrum (between plotting and pantsing) to writing without an outline—I sort of pick my way through the story or unearth the story as I’m writing.

I do have a general idea of the direction I want to go and possible plot points and possibilities for the black moment. But even with an outline, those often change as needed for the sake of the story. Admittedly, “pantsing” as it’s called slows down the writing a bit because I have to figure out what happens next. But outlining or plotting also takes significant time, and if I’m going to change directions anyway, I’d rather start writing. 

In the end, I do whatever I need to do to get the story down.
I don’t have organizational tips, but my tip for aspiring writers would be to get words on the page, no matter how bad. You can always fix them later, but you can’t fix a blank page. I think that’s key to getting started.
June: On your website you share that you home school your children. How do you balance your life as mother, wife, teacher, and full-time author? 

Elizabeth:  It’s true for years I was writing and also homeschooling my four children and I can’t say it was easy. Far from it. We would homeschool in the morning and then I would spend afternoons and Saturdays writing. I’m a fast writer which is fortunate. Now my kiddoes are mostly grown, and my youngest is a special needs teenager. It’s a matter of juggling and compartmentalizing. I figure out how many words I need to write in a day or a week and I get it done.

June:  You are a very busy lady! What do you like to do when you're not writing? Do you have any hobbies or interests you would like to pursue in the future? 

Elizabeth:  Writing full time has a way of being all-consuming. When I’m not physically at my computer and writing, I’m thinking about the story or my characters. Let’s say I’m doing the dishes or laundry or some other menial task—in my head I’m still writing.

My hobby is reading. As for future hobbies—as a writer I’m interested in everything! But for starters, I’d love to play my cello again (haven’t played in decades), and get into fiber arts. The list goes on, but honestly, I don’t see myself giving up writing or retiring even beyond the foreseeable future.

June:  Thank you so much for sharing with us today, Elizabeth. I truly appreciate your taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with us with us about your writing career. Best wishes for you continued success in your creative endeavors.

Elizabeth:  Thank you for having me! I enjoyed it!


Photo Credit: Emilie Hendryx 

Elizabeth Goddard is the bestselling author of more than thirty books, including the Carol Award–winning The Camera Never Lies. Her Mountain Cove series books have been finalists in the Daphne du Maurier Awards and the Carol Awards. Goddard is a seventh-generation Texan and can be found online at  

CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: website | facebook | twitter | instagram | pinterest


never let go giveaway

(2) winners will win a copy of Never Let Go & swag from the publisher, Revell.

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule at JustRead Tours. Giveaway will begin at midnight February 21, 2019 and last through 11:59 PM EST on March 3, 2019. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Due to shipping costs, only US mailing addresses valid. For our giveaway rules and policies, click HERE.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2019


~Post Includes:  Book Spotlight, Excerpt,
Author Bio & Giveaway~
a most inconvenient love blitz

Welcome to the Blog Blitz & Giveaway for A Most Inconvenient Love by Ruth Logan Herne, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

A Most Inconvenient Love - Front Cover Title: A Most Inconvenient Love  
Series: Prairie Brides #1  
Author: Ruth Logan Herne  
Genre: Historical/Western Romance  
Release Date: February 26, 2019

Sober businessman Seb Ward may have come from a wealthy lumber-baron family in Minnesota, but he knows that appearances can be deceiving, and that his illustrious family is pretty dysfunctional. Being in another state has provided the buffer he sought from his father’s misdeeds, but when a little boy shows up on a train… a little boy who looks enough like Seb to be his own child… Seb’s faced with a dilemma. Raise the boy as his own, or let his mother suffer the embarrassment of “a brother by another mother.” And when the boy takes a shine to the Rachel Eichas, the newly contracted school teacher, Seb can’t help but do the same.

But Rachel was raised by an unloving, business-first father and there’s no way she’s looking for those same qualities in a husband. Can she see through Seb’s focus and drive to find the loving man within?  


He turned to let the door swing shut softly.

Rachel was watching the boy with a look so tender and sweet that Seb’s heart stirred once more. His mother had looked at him like that, long ago. Funny, what a man remembered and what he chose to forget.

Rachel lifted her gaze again. When she met his, time paused. She didn’t drop her eyes the way proper young women did back in the city, and he’d met his share before coming west to set up shop. She studied him as if reading his features meant something.

It didn’t because no matter what she surmised, Seb Ward let few people see the tired soul within the ambitious businessman’s body. That’s the way it had always been. That’s the way it would stay.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon


Best-selling, multi-published, award-winning author Ruth Logan Herne is the author of nearly fifty novels and novellas through traditional publishers and her own independent works. She loves God, her family, country, coffee, chocolate and dogs, and wishes possums would leave the cat food on the side porch alone. And yet… they don’t. With over a million books in print, Ruthy is living her dream of touching hearts and souls by writing the kind of books she likes to read.

She lives on a pumpkin farm in Western New York where they grow all kinds of cool things for fall from sumptuous squashes and veggies to gorgeous stacking pumpkins. Ruthy’s farm is quickly becoming the place to be every September and October!  

CONNECT WITH RUTHY: website | Facebook | Twitter

a most inconvenient love giveaway


(1) winner will win
  • (1) copy of A Most Inconvenient Love
plus choice of
  • a treasure box of FUN (or)
  • $25 Amazon gift card
Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight February 28, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm March 7, 2019. Open internationally except where prohibited by law. Shipping is for US residents only though; international winner will receive digital copy of the book + egift card. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

Sunday, February 24, 2019


--  'MUSIC BOXES'   --
~Post Includes:  Book Spotlight, Author Bio,
Unique Author Interview & Two Giveaways~


Music Boxes
By Tonja Drecker
Middle Grade Fantasy / Performing Arts
158 pages
Dancing Lemur Press
Release date: March 5th, 2019
Ages 9 to 12
• ISBN-10: 1939844568
• ISBN-13: 978-1939844569


“I only desire your talent...”

Twelve-year-old Lindsey McKay's biggest dream is to be a famous ballerina. But after moving to New York, she ends up at the Community Center with a teacher who’s a burly bear in tights.

When she meets Madame Destinée, the teacher of a top dance school who offers her classes for free, Lindsey can't believe her luck. In exchange, she must perform in the school’s exclusive midnight shows, ones sure to make her a star. But something’s not right . . .

One by one, the other dancers disappear. Each time they do, a music box with a figurine just like the missing ballerina joins Madame Destinée’s growing collection. If Lindsey doesn’t discover the truth about the dance school, she might end up a tiny figurine herself.

Goodreads link :

Sale Links:

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Get a FREE envelope with Swag!

Pre-order/order your book (ecopy or print) before midnight (EST) on Friday night, March 8th, send a copy of your proof of purchase to along with an US mailing address, and you will receive an envelope with exclusive swag (bookmark, sticker, etc). 


Tonja Drecker is a writer, blogger, children’s book reviewer and freelance translator. After spending years in Germany exploring forgotten castles, she currently resides in the Ozarks with her family of six. When she’s not tending her chickens and cows, she’s discovering new adventures, nibbling chocolate and sipping a cup of tea.


June:  Welcome to 'Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic', Tonja. Congratulations on the upcoming release of your middle-grade novel, 'Music Boxes'!

June:  Please tell us how you created your setting and developed the characters for this book.

Tonja:  In Music Boxes, the dancers come from around the world. Also, Lindsey’s little sister is a music prodigy. One of the best places to mix these two elements was New York. The rest of the scenes flowed in naturally.

As to the characters—I love developing characters! It’s the characters which build the story—their personalities, desires and quirks. While Lindsey, her friends and her family are rather ‘normal’, they form the base for reality. The others (my favorite) get little quirks and oddities. It’s amazing how fond I’ve grown of each one.  

June:  Since this book involves ballerinas, I was wondering if you ever studied ballet? What led you to write a book about the art of ballet?

Tonja:  Nope. I’ve never been able to even touch my toes, so ballet was not for me. My eldest daughter is the dancer. She started ballet lessons at four and moved into hip-hop around twelve. She was scouted by a private trainer, which meant a two-hour train ride each way three times a week for the next years. She placed in and won several national competitions.

I did consider incorporating other dance forms into Music Boxes along with ballet to bring across the various cultures, but there’s something about the spinning ballerina which creates its own magic. Plus, ballet is a dance form which extends over borders, languages and races. I found that including a common ground for the dancers was as important as expressing their differences.
June:  Who is your favorite character in the story? Why is this person your favorite? Without spoiling the story, is there anyone in the story who you do not like? Why not?

Tonja:  I believe Broussard is my favorite. His fluffy cuteness makes him so snuggly and hard not to love. But he also has more layers than the other characters. And more secrets. He’s done wrong things with good intentions. I think his character is the most complex but can only be lightly explored in this story. So much packed into one little doggy!

I’d say Adela, since she’s the one who hits the bad attributes hard—arrogant, full of herself, and self-centered. But I don’t hate her for it. The character which irritates me the most is the mother. She’s trying her best and is stressed to make everything come together for her family and especially Bridget’s future, but she’s lost sight of something more important. You can never give a child enough love, and she oversees that a bit.

June:  You have published works in two anthologies, one in the youth fantasy and the other an adult paranormal. What other fictional genres might you try? Would you ever consider writing non-fiction? If so, what subject(s) would you like to write about?

Tonja:  Short stories are a treat to write, and I enjoy using them to stretch into new directions. The best way to learn is by leaving the comfort zone and experiencing new things. While Music Boxes is my first middle grade novel, it’s not the first one to take on fantasy elements. As far as children books go, I hope to always include a dash of magic. Imagination is an important part of growing up.

As to other genres, I find it amazing that authors land in one specific area and never change. It might sound odd, but I can only write those stories which come to me, and they often have little in common. I have some ideas for cozy romances, science fiction, and maybe even a dystopian someday. I’m currently in the process of writing a science-based mystery for kids—one without magic. Oh my…I guess I’m already going against my own thoughts! My historical Ubook novella, A Glowworm, was published last year, one which is based on a serious yet little known historic event. So, I’m all over the place.

As to non-fiction, I don’t believe so, but who knows?

June:  What or who inspired you to become an author? 

Tonja:  You do have tough questions! I wrote my first story in the first grade. Like many authors, writing has always been a part of who I am—sometimes more, sometimes less. But never did I think of publishing anything outside of a school magazine or paper. It wasn’t due to fear. The idea honestly just never hit me.

When we moved to Dublin, that changed. We were there for my husband’s job, one that had him working 90-hour weeks to get a project through. I was alone with our young children, and while we toured everything I could think of, there were many hours of down time. (Ireland is gorgeous, by the way!) There was a stack of cozy romances in the house we rented, and with nothing to do, I read through most of them. And then it hit me—I could write like that. Why was I jotting down stories only to keep them in a drawer? 

June:  When you write a book, do you outline the entire story, or do you have a different way of organizing your plot, characters, etc.? Do you always know the ending of your story before you begin putting things down on paper, or into your computer?

Tonja:  Yes and no. And no and no? Each story is different, and each story is written differently. While I would love to have the entire thing worked out before sitting down at the keyboard, it’s only worked that way once or twice. I carry notebooks with me everywhere and have stacks filled with scribbled thoughts—nothing beats paper and pen. While all stories get a little piecing through before I start, it can be anything from an entire basic plot to sparse ideas here and there. Even the end isn’t always a given.

June: When I visited your blog, I noticed you have earned a few awards for your middle-grade blog. What led you to launch a blog which focuses on middle-grade books? What is the most rewarding part of being a blogger for you?

Tonja:  Book blogging has turned out to be quite the adventure! I never expected to receive any awards…not in my wildest dreams. That part still amazes me.

I concentrate on books from the youngest readers/listeners up to Young Adult. This choice probably reflects my life. I was the oldest of seven growing up, and we had foster children in the house as well. Add my own four children (two aren’t really ‘children’ any more) and I’ve never not been around kids—something I see as a blessing. I love working with kids and have used my spare time to start up several small groups for kids, including a children’s choir.

While I read and enjoy adult books, they rarely have the magical innocence, awe and imagination found in children’s literature. Life without these things is like a rain without a rainbow. Dreary.
Being a blogger has had a surprising side effect; it’s introduced me to an amazing community! I can’t even begin to express how wonderful they are—authors, publishers, editors, fellow bloggers and …well, everyone. There’s so much encouragement and kindness. It’s inspiring.

June:  I couldn't agree with you more about the camaraderie in the children's literature community! I have found support and acceptance there, too. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit with us here on my blog, Tonja. Wishing you all the best as you launch your new book on March 5th!

****GIVEAWAY #1:
The giveaway will run from midnight (EST) on the night of February 21st, 2019 until midnight (EST) on the night of March 15th,  2019. Entries will be made through the Rafflecopter. One winner will receive a music box (the one found in the book video: with the author’s golden signature on the bottom as well as swag (US addresses only). The second winner will receive an Amazon GC of $10 (US). The second winner must be in possession of a qualifying US Amazon account.

The contest is open to U.S. residents only, ages eighteen and over. No purchase is required for entry. All winners must claim their prize 48 hours after notification. Winners will be announced on on Saturday, March 16th 2019 by 10:00am (EST). All addresses and personal information will be used only for prize allocation. Sponsor, Tonja Drecker, assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind. Please email all questions to

****GIVEAWAY #2: 

Print copy of 'Music Boxes'. Giveaway sponsored by the publisher, Dancing Lemur Press Publishing, LLC.

{US residents only/must have a US mailing address. Must be eighteen years of age or older to enter. Giveaway closes at 12:00PM PST on Friday, March 15th.}

HOW TO ENTER GIVEAWAY #2:  Post a comment on this blog post telling us which of Tonja's interview answers was the most interesting to you and why. 

# # # # #  

Thursday, February 21, 2019


~Post Includes:  Book Spotlight, Author
Bio, Unique Author Interview &
her hope discovered blog tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour & Giveaway for Her Hope Discovered by Cynthia Herron, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


HerHopeDiscovered Title: Her Hope Discovered  
Series: Welcome to Ruby #1  
Author: Cynthia Herron  
Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink  
Genre: Contemporary Romance  
Release Date: December 31, 2018

Is the sure thing worth risking for the possibility of maybe?

Charla Winthrop, a savvy business woman seeking a permanent lifestyle change in small-town Ruby, learns that things aren’t always what they appear when she takes up residence in a house steeped in charm and a hint of mystery. Rumor has it that Sam Packard the town carpenter is her go-to guy for home remodeling, but can Charla convince him to help her—with no strings attached, of course?

Alone far too long, Sam’s prayed that God would send him a wife and a mother for his daughters. However, the new Ruby resident is hardly what he imagined. A new place to call “home,” the possibility of what might be, and the answer to someone’s prayers unite this unlikely pair with the help of the town’s residents.

Nestled in the Ozarks’ hills and hollows is Ruby, Missouri, a quaint, cozy town where “neighbor” is merely another word for “friend.” Ruby will charm and delight as will her quirky, lovable characters who will steal your heart, but hand it right back—with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Savor your new friends’ sorrows and successes in the community where offbeat is perfect and mishaps and mayhem never tasted so good.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository


CH-7888 copy

Cynthia writes Heartfelt, Homespun Fiction from the beautiful Ozark Mountains. A hopeless romantic at heart, she enjoys penning stories about ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances. Her Hope Discovered, her début novel and the first in a three-book series, released December 2018 with Mountain Brook Ink.

'Cindy' has a degree in psychology and a background in social work. She is a member of ACFW, ACFW MozArks, and RWA.

She is a 2017 ACFW Genesis Finalist, a 2016 ACFW Genesis (Double) Finalist, and a 2015 ACFW First Impressions Winner. Her short story Words from the Heart appears in The Story Anthology (Karen Kingsbury/Family Fiction) via Salem Publications, 2014. Her work is represented by Sarah Freese at WordServe Literary.

Besides writing, Cindy enjoys spending time with family and friends. She has a fondness for gingerbread men, miniature teapots, and all things apple. She also adores a great cup of coffee and she never met a sticky note she didn’t like.

Cindy loves to connect with friends at her online home. She also hangs out on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.  

For love, fun, and encouragement ~ Sign up for Cindy’s monthly e-NEWSLETTERS

JUNE: Welcome to 'Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic', Cynthia. I'm delighted to have you as my special guest for this blog tour stop. Congratulations on your debut release, 'Her Hope Discovered', in December, 2018!

CYNTHIA: Thank you so much! I’m delighted to join you!

JUNE:  This book is the first in your 'Welcome to Ruby' series. Please tell us how you created your setting and developed the characters for this series. Are any of the characters or their personality traits or physical descriptions based on people you've come across in your own life?  If yes, what prompted you to include them in the 'Her Hope Discovered'?

CYNTHIA:  Because I grew up in Small-town, USA, I'm drawn to close-knit communities that offer just the right blend of nostalgia, humor, and homespun charm. Add to that my penchant for romance, conflict, and hope-filled endings, and HER HOPE DISCOVERED was born. It's the story that tugged my heartstrings, a story of second chances that became book one in my Welcome to Ruby series.

There are, indeed, traits and characteristics unique to my heritage and the Ozarkian culture. I wanted to include some of these things in my fictional characters and story so that readers from other walks of life could live vicariously through their new friends and neighbors.

JUNE:  Who is your favorite character in this story {or series}? Why is this person your favorite? Without spoiling the story {or series}, is there anyone in the story {or series} who you do not like? Why not?

CYNTHIA:  Well, of course, I love Sam and Charla, our main characters, but I also adore Ida Mae Hoscutt, local proprietress of the Come and Get It Diner. Ida Mae’s a colorful, down-home character who’s never met a stranger. She’s a total people-person and a woman I could easily sit down with and have a cup of coffee.

Someone I’m not particularly fond of? Hmm…

Charla’s mother, Ellen Winthrop, does try one’s patience with her sharp tongue and domineering ways…but she may redeem herself. Keep reading! 😊

JUNE:  You have won or been a finalist in a few recent ACFW {American Christian Fiction Writers} contests for unpublished authors. What did you learn from the experience of entering your work into a contest? What challenges did you face as you submitted your series for representation with WordServe Literary? What have you learned about the publishing business through your experience working with your publisher, Mountain Brook Ink?

CYNTHIA:  I wholeheartedly recommend writing contests as a way to improve a writer’s work and grow one’s craft. Through contests I entered, I learned discipline and resilience—two very important traits necessary to succeed in the world of publishing.

As far as literary representation, I’ve navigated the path for many years, so partnering with a like-minded agent was a blessing. Of course, it’s always a nail-biter once an author’s work is out on submission. That’s why communication and diligence are key in the author/agent relationship.

Working with Mountain Brook Ink is exactly what I’d hope it would be. MBI is a perfect blend of teamwork, cohesiveness, and fun—characteristics that make work a joy.

JUNE:  When you write a book, do you outline the entire story, or do you have a different way of organizing your plot, characters, etc.? Do you always know the ending of your story before you begin putting things down on paper, or into your computer?  Do you have any particular organizational tips that you'd like to pass along to other authors and aspiring authors? 

CYNTHIA:  As I write, I start with key scenes organized on colored note cards. I also use a semblance of an outline to make certain I stay on track with my story, but I do allow room for unforeseen moments to naturally unfold, too. I usually know my story’s end, but sometimes surprises happen.

To aspiring authors, I would say do keep track of character details, key scenes, and plot development however it suits you best. Not all writers are geared to write the same way. While I think it helps to have some sort of organizational method, don’t be afraid to think and work creatively and in a way that fits your personality.

JUNE:  On your website you share that you have a "fondness for gingerbread men, miniature teapots, and all things apple." I collect 'gingerbread men' decor for my kitchen because they are cheerful. Do you have collections which include gingerbread figures and miniature teapots? Do you like to bake gingerbread or gingerbread cookies? What are some of the apple dishes you bake?

CYNTHIA:  Oooh I love my little gingerbread men! On my laundry room wall, I have a gingerbread-themed border and my gingerbread men (and women) grace the space below it. They put me in my happy place. They make doing laundry fun!

I don’t have time to bake like I used to, but I do bake a mean apple pie every so often, and I can throw apple crisp together in a snap.

Would you believe…I’ve never made gingerbread cookies?! I’d love a great recipe though.

JUNE:  Are there any hobbies or interests you would like to pursue in the future?

CYNTHIA:  I’ve always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon. That’s been on my bucket list for years. Of course, now heights scare me a little. I’d still like to try it just to conquer my fear. …And, too, writing great books will always be in my life-plan!

JUNE:  Thank you so much for sharing with us today, Cynthia. I appreciate your taking time out of your busy schedule to share with us about your writing journey and other fun topics! Best wishes for you continued success in your writing endeavors. 

CYNTHIA:  Thank you for having me ~ I’ve so enjoyed our time together!

Her Hope Discovered giveaway


(1) winner will win a $25 Amazon gift card from the author (US only)  

Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight February 18, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm February 25, 2019. US only. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

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