The Case of the Christie Conspiracy:
A Detection Club Mystery
by Kelly Oliver
About The Case of the Christie Conspiracy
The Case of the Christie Conspiracy: A Detection Club Mystery
Historical Cozy Mystery 1st in Series Setting - London, England
Publisher : Boldwood Books (February 16, 2025)
Paperback : 264 pages ISBN-10 : 1836175469
ISBN-13 : 978-1836175469 Digital ASIN : B0DFXWPCFP
Agatha Christie is about to embark on a new, gripping murder case. But this time, she’s not the author – she’s a suspect…1926 – Christie is a darling of the literary circuit and the most desired guest in London’s glittering social scene. She can often be found at meetings of the Detection Club – where mystery writers come together to share ideas, swap secrets and drink copiously. But then a fellow author's initiation ceremony takes a gruesome turn, and one of the group ends up dead. Now, Agatha is no longer just the creator of great mystery plots – she’s a player in one.
And when Agatha disappears the day after the murder, she’s widely assumed to be guilty. Only Eliza Baker, assistant to the Club’s enigmatic secretary, Dorothy Sayers, is interested in investigating the case. But in a world where murder is the ultimate plot device, can Eliza piece together the evidence and find the killer before it’s too late?
The Interview
Eliza Baker tossed the book into the bin. She was no expert on detective fiction, but she knew the author was expected to “play fair” with the reader. And Mrs. Agatha Christie was not playing fair.
Standing at the stove, with one finger she tapped the side of the coffee percolator. Still warm. She lifted the pot and gently swirled. Not much left. She’d pour herself half a cup and save the rest for her sister. Afterall, Jane had made the coffee, not to mention, it was Jane’s percolator on Jane’s stove in Jane’s house. And although her sister insisted it was a “pleasure” to have Eliza living with her, Eliza couldn’t help but feel like a burden. She was the older sister. She should be providing for Jane and not the other way around, which was why she absolutely had to get this job. Hustling chess at the Gambit was not exactly a steady income.
On her way back from the kitchen, Eliza turned on the radio hoping to hear the news. Real news with real crimes. Not Mrs. Christie’s far-fetched, made-up crimes. Eliza didn’t enjoyed hearing about embezzling bankers or the latest natural disasters or starving orphans begging for bread—Not so long ago she’d been one of those starving children. But that was the past. The Great War had ended eight years ago and, in three years, she would be thirty and able to vote. She had an obligation to keep informed, not bury her head in some made-up story. There was enough murder and mayhem in the world. Why did those mystery authors have to go inventing more?
A man’s voice announced, “I’m broadcasting from outside the barricades at Trafalgar Square where thousands of protesters are demonstrating.”
A chilly draft blew in through the cracked windowsill. A causality of the war. Her sister’s flat was on the third floor of a brownstone building on Liverpool Street where the Germans had concentrated their last desperate blitz before the end of the war.
Holding her cup in both hands, she stepped closer to the radiator and listened to the news.
“Do you hear the crowd in the background?” The announcer’s voice was gleeful. “They’re chanting ‘End the Monarchy! If Russia can do it, so can we!’?” He was taking way too much pleasure in the threat of communism. “We’ve learned the leader’s name is Poppleberry and he’s inciting a riot with calls for Death to the King! Off with his head!” Another male reporter added, “And Better Theater Seats for All.”
Was he serious? And who was this Poppleberry character?
A loud crash from the radio made her start. What in the world?
The newscaster gasped. “Did you hear that, ladies and gentlemen?” He paused. There was a commotion in the background. “It’s a giant explosion at the Savoy Hotel.”
She gulped. An explosion. She sat her cup on the mantel and went to find Jane.
Throwing a tweed jacket over her silk blouse, her sister Jane came dashing down the stairs. She gathered up her gloves and a valise from the side table. “I’m off.” She smiled. “Be good.” When she winked, her green eyes danced. “And if you can’t be good, be careful.” Looking at Jane was like looking in a mirror, they were so much alike. Sure, Jane was younger, but only by forty-three minutes.
“Have you heard of an agitator called Poppleberry?” Eliza stood between her sister and the front door, blocking the path.
Jane squinted. “Poppleberry.” She shook her head. “Doesn’t ring a bell. Should it?”
Given Jane worked at MI5 and knew the identities of enemy agents and local agitators, the answer was Yes. If this character was a known quantity, then Jane should know about him.
“Listen.” Eliza cocked her head toward the sound of the radio.
“I can’t be late for work.” Jane tugged on a glove.
“Rioters blew up the Savoy.” She took her sister by the elbow.
“What?” Jane’s mouth fell open and she let Eliza led her into the living room.
The radio announcer was giving the latest cricket scores.
“Who cares about cricket?” Jane glanced around the room as if she expected rioters to rush through the walls.
“You’d be surprised.” Eliza sighed.
“Should we go down there?” Jane never was content to let others do the dirty work if she thought she could help. “Try to stop them?” Her pretty cheeks turned pink with indignation.
“I have that interview today with the detective writer lady.” Eliza sighed. “Look, I’ll skip it.” What a waste. For the last week—since Theo insisted she apply for the job—she’d been reading detective fiction to prepare. “This is more important.”
“No! Stop!” The announcer’s voice was muffled. More crashing and banging. “They’ve broken down the door to the BBC.” He was breathless. “I’m going to have to sign off now.” Panting, he said, “This is Ronald Knox.”
“And Neville Lively,” the second reporter added. “We hope you enjoyed Broadcasting from the Barricades.”
“Good grief.” Eliza looked at her sister, who was staring back at her with wide eyes. “Damn writers.” Ronald Knox was a well-known mystery author, as well as a Catholic priest. What was he doing broadcasting from the barricades? And who was Neville Lively?
“Ronald Knox should know better,” Jane said, shaking her head. “I’m going to tell Dillwyn to put his brother on a leash.”
Eliza had worked with Dillwyn Knox at the War Office breaking codes during the war. “Dilly Knox is no better.” Now, Dilly was back at Oxford teaching classics and no doubt flirting with all the Bright Young Things. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he wrote her a reference letter because he liked her smile. He’d told her often enough.
“I saved you some coffee.” Eliza padded back to the kitchen and poured the dregs into a cup for her sister.
“Thanks.” Jane took a sip and then made a sour face. “Eliza…” Raising her eyebrows, she pointed at the trash bin where the duplicitous Doctor James Sheppard stared out from the bent cover of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. “Did you finish your homework?”
Eliza gave a brisk nod.
“I was going to wait until you got the job to tell you.” Jane paused as if having second thoughts.
“Tell me what?” She knew that look. The one Jane got when making an important decision. “Tell me what?” she repeated.
“MI5 wants you back—”
“No.” Eliza held up her hand. Just hearing MI5 gave her the jitters. “Not after what happened at the docks.”
“Hear me out.” With determination Jane sat her cup on the table.
When Jane got this serious, Eliza was defenseless against her.
“We have reason to believe Mrs. Christie and her writer friends know state secrets.” She lowered her voice. “It’s imperative we find out what they know and how they know it.”
“I’m done spying.” Eliza clenched her jaw. She couldn’t face the pressure. Not after losing her partner.
“You can’t keep moping around here or loitering at that stupid chess club.” Jane sighed. “It’s not your fault.” She softened her tone. “What happened at the docks.” She reached across the table and took Eliza’s hand. “Please, Lizzy, you are one of the best agents—”
“Was, past tense.” Eliza withdrew her hand. “I can’t.”
“You can.” Jane buttoned her jacket. “You can and you will. MI5 needs you to do this and so do I.” She let out a loud breath. “Otherwise, I’ll have to ask you to move out.” Her lips stretched into a thin pink line.
“What?” Jane’s words sunk in her stomach like a rock. “You wouldn’t throw me out.”
“It’s for your own good.” Jane stood up. “You can’t go on wallowing in guilt. You’ve got to get your life together and get on with it.” She tugged on the hem of her jacket. “You’re going to go to that interview and get that job and spy on the detective writers. And report back to MI5.” She leveled her gaze. “Agreed?”
Eliza sat blinking at her sister.
“Agreed?” The glint in Jane’s eyes told her she wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“Alright.” Eliza took a deep breath.
“Alright what?” Jane stood arms akimbo.
“Agreed what?” Jane tapped her foot. For a younger sister, she sure was bossy.
“I’ll do it.” A smile tickled the edges of Eliza’s mouth. “From now on, I’m an aspiring author of impossible mysteries.” She doffed an imaginary hat. “And, with any luck, future assistant—under cover—to the secretary of the London Detection Club.” She crossed her fingers behind her back, both for luck and because she was fibbing her head off.
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the Detection Club Mysteries—a world where mystery writers become targets of their own cunning plots and solving a murder is just another day at the office. Think of it as a literary whodunit where the suspects are the very people who honed the genre, Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, and Gilbert Chesterton. Talk about plot twists!
Meet Eliza Baker, newly hired secretary to the illustrious (and occasionally eccentric) Detection Club. Thanks to her childhood on the streets of London, she’s got a knack for sniffing out secrets, picking locks, and hustling chess. Alongside her is Theo Sharp, fellow chess player, fledgling mystery writer, and brooding encyclopedia of cheeky comebacks. Together, they maneuver through murder scenes and literary egos with the precision ofgrandmasters—always thinking three steps ahead, even when their unspoken feelings threaten mate.
Set in the glamorous world of late 1920s London (where you can’t swing a fedora without hitting a mystery writer), the series blends sharp wit with darker deeds. Whether it’s unraveling a locked-room murder mystery at a club dinner or finding a blackmailer on the Orient Express, Eliza and Theo navigate every gambit with flair—plotting their moves to outwit killers, unmask frauds, and occasionally challenge each other in a battle of hearts and minds.
So, grab a cup of tea, put on your sleuthing cap, and dive into a world where the authors may write the mysteries, but it’s up to Eliza and Theo to solve them.
About Kelly Oliver

Kelly Oliver is the award-winning and bestselling author of four mystery series: The Jessica James Mysteries (7-book contemporary suspense); The Pet Detective Mysteries (3-book middle grade); The Fiona Figg Mysteries (9-book historical cozies).
The Case of the Christie Conspiracy, the first in her new series The Detection Club Mysteries just came out (February 2025). Kelly is Distinguished Emerita Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. And currently, she is the Immediate Past President of Sisters in Crime. To learn more about Kelly and her books, go to www.kellyoliverbooks.com.
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