Pork Chopped to Death (The Cast Iron Skillet Mystery Series) by Jodi Rath
About Pork Chopped to Death
You know what they say, you are what you eat, and Jolie and Ava are about to turn into everything they have been craving including pounds of chocolate, pizza, pickles, and ice cream.
Mafia, urban sprawl, gentrification, newborn babies, and the lives of the Leavensport villagers will be altered forever. Change is inevitable. Jolie Tucker is a Type-A perfectionist with fanatic tendencies who detest the very thought of change. Regardless of what she wants, change is a comin' along with a grizzly discovery of murder of one of the village’s most beloved, mayhem between the villagers and the urbanites of Tri-City, and new dynamics of family dysfunction.
Get ready for a roller coaster ride from the peaks of new life, yummy food, and blossoming relationships to the lows of slayings, chaos, and war. The residents of Leavensport are in for the battle of their lives, and it’s up to Jolie, Ava, and their crew to determine the future of their village.
Welcome to Leavensport, Ohio, where DEATH takes a DELICIOUS turn!
Undercover in Leavensport
Sometimes I wish I’d never met Jackson Nestle, my unscrupulous ex-husband who is always tied to nefarious business. Had I not met him, then I’d never end up in Leavensport, Ohio, with people I feel closer to than I do with my family.
My name was Natalia Nestle when I was married to Jackson. The first few years were wonderful until I overheard bits and pieces of conversations that made me realize my husband’s import/export business was more than just coffee beans.
There’s a lot of things that happened for me to get to a place to be able to divorce him, and that will all come up later—I’ve promised to spill it all to Jolie and Ava, who run Cast Iron Creations—two women I feel are like sisters to me.
Long story short, I ended up in witness protection and was there for years. I realized my ex was beyond intelligent, and he knows how to cover his tracks. The Feds wanted me to divorce him so I could testify against him. It turned out Jackson had people ready to be his fall guys, and they took prison time for him.
Three years into witness protection, I realized that if I didn’t take action, I’d be in this program for the rest of my life, and trust me when I tell you it’s no picnic. I’ve watched all the shows and movies that romanticize it, and that’s all it is—a lot of hype.
I had to change my appearance, name, get a new social security number, relocate, and agree never to see or speak to anyone I knew as Natalia. Once that was taken care of, I had to find a job. I had married Jackson at age eighteen and never worked. My high school diploma and background of no work landed me retail and restaurant jobs the first few years in my new residence. I worked my way up to manager when the Feds told me I had to relocate yet again due to one of the men getting out of prison, and someone found out information about where I was hiding.
That was terrifying. I had to change appearances yet again, get a new name and another new social security number, and move. I’d just met people and found some friends, which, if I’m honest, that is the worst part of witness protection—losing all those you love. It’s lonely. So, being told I had to leave and never speak to these new friends again—that was all I could take.
That brings me to where I am now—in Leavensport, Ohio as Lia—NOT in witsec anymore at this time. Did I mention I could leave anytime but had to sign what felt like a gagillion papers saying that I understood the risk I was taking?
Luckily, I truly believe that we will catch Jackson this time, and he will be put away for good. Jolie and Ava don’t seem to fear him, and so far, he doesn’t know I’m around. While I’m still in hiding, it’s such a relief that others know my background and my hope for the future is that I can Natalia again, see my family, and maybe find a good man to spend my life with.
Welcome to Leavensport, Ohio, where DEATH takes a DELICIOUS turn!
About Jodi Rath

Moving into her second decade working in education, Jodi Rath has decided to begin a life of crime in her Cast Iron Skillet Mystery Series. Her passion for both mysteries and education led her to combine the two to create her business MYS ED, where she splits her time between working as an adjunct for Ohio teachers and creating mischief in her fictional writing. She currently resides in a small, cozy village in Ohio with her husband and her nine cats.
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Thanks so much for having me and Lia on your blog today. It was great for her to get to air out some of the things she's been going through lately. Having a man in your life that is bad news to point of going into hiding is something I don't wish on anyone!