Sunday, June 7, 2020


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Rinda was a second-grade teacher who read and told stories, until she met a bat in Germany. She learned to edit, thanks to SCBWI classes and critique partners. Rinda substitutes to stay connected to the kids she wants to write for. She established Beach Girl Press to publish her first book, NEIL ARMSTRONG’S WIND TUNNEL DREAM.

Now she has a second one, LAKE FUN FOR YOU AND ME. Visit her blog and book review at







This book is part story – part souvenir. Follow Zoe and her family on their lake vacation on the left side of each page. On the right side, there’s room to record your own lake vacation story.

When Mom reveals Lake Hunt Fun, the adventures begin. Maddie, Nick, and Zoe explore the lake while they look for answers to Mom’s questions. The more answers they find, the more points they earn towards winning a prize.

Zoe is the youngest in the family, but she’s determined to beat her older sister and brother. Read along as she records her answers on the right side. That’s also where you’ll start your own Lake Hunt Fun. There’s room for you to write, room for you to illustrate your own adventures. You can draw and color them in, or paste in family pictures and postcards. You’ll be my co-author and illustrator.

Either way you’ll have two stories in one book. Happy reading, writing, and illustrating! Rinda Beach

Buy Link:

Release Date - May 9, 2020


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8-10 'Behind-the-Scenes Facts About the Book'  

1. In 2019 I set up my own publishing house. It was the only way I could tell Neil Armstrong’s story in time for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. I had a niche market living in Wapakoneta, his home town.

I thought why not do another? I wanted another niche market. The lake book is perfect for marinas and lake businesses. This idea came from years of family vacations at Norris Lake. We loved them so much we bought a house there.

2. My first draft was simply awful. Most first drafts are. It took a year to make it read the way I wanted. It got better because of my critique partners! Look at the back for my Bio, and you’ll find my writing community in the Acknowledgements. It takes a village to write a book, and I am grateful to each and every one of those people.

3. This book started as a list of my family’s favorite things. I turned them into sentences and paragraphs, but the magic happened when a partner suggested twisting them into a story. Then someone said, what about a scavenger hunt? It could up the tension.

That turned into a treasure hunt, and I added in room for the reader to write/draw their own adventures. The final piece, naming the kids, that’s when the book really came together.

4. The wake surfer was my illustration test. A lot of people don’t know about wake surfing. They don’t realize you are actually a couple feet right behind the motor, and that’s the shot I wanted for the book. I never found the perfect photo, but Rick put two of them together. He created the image I imagined.

5. The most expensive part of self-publishing is the illustrations. I spent ten times more for NEIL ARMSTRONG’S WIND TUNNEL DREAM. I knew over time I could earn my investment back, but I had no idea with this book. I still don’t. This year I used photos, and my friend Rick digitally manipulated them. I think he did a great job!

6. I planned to publish with IngramSpark. In February of 2020 I discovered they no longer print books with any kind of journal formatting, like mine. I didn’t panic. I contacted KDP/Amazon. They do! Thank goodness!

7. I had to change templates to go to KDP. I cut and pasted my words and pictures into the new formatting, but I discovered in early May, when I submitted the whole manuscript for publication, that the new template only printed in black and white. The lake book is in color. OUCH!

8. Third time’s a charm! I called KDP. They were wonderful! They answered the phone and spoke in English, not Tech-ish. They helped me find the right template. I stayed up till 2AM that night, but my words and pictures were done. It took a few more days to get the cover back, but it was perfect! If it’s not, both Ingram and KDP will kick it back for changes. You and your book are dead in the water until they approve them. Then, you can print your book.

9. When you look at your work in Microsoft Word, the margins are the same on either side. But when you work on a template, the margins are different, depending on whether you’re on the left/right side of the page. That’s because you have to allow space to bind the two pages together. I went through that three times, but at least each time it got a little easier.

10. The hardest part of doing the template interior was putting in the illustrations. I worked hard to keep them about the same size across the whole book. I also tried to keep the margins the same on the top and bottom of each page. I’m not an art director, but I’m a fashionista. I can tell what looks good, better, and best. You have to be able to do that with the interior pages, and I got better at it – with three times the practice 😊

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 The author is giving away one print copy of this book to a lucky US winner! Enter to win by completing the Rafflecopter form shown below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Find the links to read more great Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts from middle-grade authors and bloggers at Greg Pattridge's 'Always in the Middle' Blog.
  Find the links to more great 'It's Monday! What Are You Reading?' (#IMWAYR) posts for children's and Young Adult books over at the Unleashing Readers website.  
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  1. This sounds like a really unique book! It was interesting to hear about the author's experience preparing the book for printing. Thanks for the great post!

    1. Publishing is a journey! I wrote and selected the images to make the book I'd buy for my kids. I hope it temps you to enter! I could be mailing you a free paperback book! May the odds be ever in your favor!

  2. This sounds like a really fun book with a story and room to create your own. Congrats to Rinda!

    1. Thank you so much! I hope that it appeals to kids! I wrote it with them in mind!

  3. Great idea for a book, and a cool keepsake for families. Wish I was heading to the lake this summer! I'll keep this in mind for a hopeful future trip.

  4. Wow! Great information on self-publishing (I especially wondered about the artwork and it sounds like this has been a lot of hard/costly work) and how cool to live in Neil Armstrong’s home town. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Neil was more costly. I paid for a 'real' illustrator. It had legs, and will sell as long as people are interested in Neil.

      This one, I have no idea what I can make so I paid 1/10 for the illustrations. It was a lot of work, but easy work. Really! I love to shop, and this meant heading to Pixabay and shopping/looking for images for Rick to choose from. The images were free, and it was fun hunting for the perfect image.

      Rick usually sent me the new image in a couple days. Sometimes we changed them. Sometimes they were perfect! The best part - seeing your words, your vision come to life! If you're thinking about self-publishing, my advice - look for a niche market and GO for it!

  5. What a clever presentation of a book. It sounds like the perfect summer read with a lot interaction. Really useful information for writers planning on self-publication. I'm not brave enough. Oh, I live just south of you in Dayton.

    1. Thank you! I said I would never self-publish, but 2 years ago, I found that story about Neil that wanted to be told. Good luck!

  6. Interesting concept for a book. Thanks for telling me about it. Also thanks for the info on self-publishing. I will pass on the giveaway.

  7. Thank you for sharing!

    Happy reading this week :)
